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Writer's pictureCedric Wilson II

My Affinity for Cigars

As I sit here savoring a new cigar, recommended by a friend in the fashion industry, I'm reminded of the profound significance cigars hold in my life. They're more than just a pastime; they're a gateway to forging friendships, nurturing businesses, and delving into an art form that enriches every aspect of existence.


My journey into the world of cigars began alongside my father, a tradition I cherish to this day. I recall accompanying him to gatherings where friends would unwind with cigars, discussing work and life with an ease that comes from shared enjoyment. Indeed, the camaraderie fostered by cigars is one of their greatest gifts.

Over the past two years, my passion for cigars has deepened, intertwining with my relationships. Many of my closest companions have joined me in savoring a cigar, leading to enriching conversations over glasses of cognac. In a world where time for genuine connection is scarce, cigars provide a cherished opportunity to unwind and engage with others.

Like any interest, cigars boast a vibrant community. Cigar lounges serve as gathering spots for enthusiasts to connect, trade, and educate one another. These spaces aren't just for leisure; they're also great for creating professional connections. I've encountered clients and potential partners in these lounges, with cigars acting as the perfect icebreaker, much like a well-tailored suit or an elegant timepiece.

Beyond their social allure, cigars are an art form in their own right. From the intricacies of wrapper selection to the nuances of pairing, there's endless fascination in exploring the world of cigars. For someone who admires art in all its forms, cigars offer a new avenue for appreciation and enjoyment.

I firmly believe everyone benefits from a hobby that breaks the monotony of daily life, and for me, cigars have become that essential diversion. While I may still be relatively new to this passion, my enthusiasm only grows with each experience. Perhaps one day, we'll share a cigar together. Until then, I invite you to share your favorite cigar or hobby in the comments below, sparking further connections and conversations.

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